Personal loans are often used to fund big projects and necessities that might otherwise be out of reach. But there are other ways they can support your financial journey, too.
Whether your goals include buying or selling property, streamlining repayments, or even getting married, a personal loan could help you stay on track to reach them.
Here are just some of the ways a personal loan can help you get closer to your target.
If you’re looking to simplify your budget and have greater control over your finances, debt consolidation could be a very useful way to use a personal loan.
By consolidating multiple debts into one repayment with a personal loan, you could budget more easily, boost your credit score, and potentially save money.
If you’re a homeowner, you're hoping your property will be worth more than you paid for it. The good news is even minor changes can have a big impact on property value.
Even if you don’t have the cash for home improvements right now, a personal loan could help you upgrade appliances, work on the garden, or even renovate the kitchen – without using a credit card.
The costs of homeownership can quickly add up. If you’re buying a house without a 20% deposit, you may also need to buy lenders mortgage insurance (LMI).
A personal loan could cover the difference in your deposit, as well as see you avoid this fee and pay less interest in the long term.
When considering securing a personal loan to help you achieve your goals, getting the right advice is a smart first step.
Reach out to a Liberty Adviser today to see how a personal loan could help you put your plans in motion sooner.
All you need to know about personal loans: How they work, and how to go about getting one.
Not limited to major purchases and debt consolidation, there are many reasons to consider a personal loan.
Getting on top of your credit card debt can help keep your costs down as rates rise.