Once you’ve established a savings plan, try and maximise the value of the money you put away. A good way to do this is to put your money where it will earn a better rate of interest, like a term deposit or savings account.
If you’re having difficulty putting money in these accounts try downloading ASIC's Track My Goals money saving app which lets you set, plan, track and manage savings goals and visualise your progress.
Before you decide on your dream holiday destination, it might be a good idea to work out how much money you have to play with.
If your budget is on the lower end of the scale, consider camping or renting out holiday accommodation within driving distance of your city. There are plenty of undiscovered gems in our own backyard, so use this opportunity to see them.
Wherever you decide to go, make sure you write out a budget before you book anything, including accommodation, travel costs, wining and dining and any activities planned.
Owning a vacation property can offer many lifestyle benefits – but there are a few things to consider before you commit to a more permanent getaway option.
Not limited to major purchases and debt consolidation, there are many reasons to consider a personal loan.
Have you ever wondered why the interest rate on your credit card is so high?